Friday, 14 December 2012

Reminder - POEM NOTE - Due January 11, 2013

December 3, 2012

Dear Parents of Grade 2 students:

Our school has been invited to send 2 students to participate in a Poetry Competition on January 25, 2013 at our school.

Grade 2 students are asked to memorize a 12 line (or longer) poem of their choice to recite with gestures and good expression, on January 11, 2013 in our classroom.  This will be included as part of their Memory Work mark.  On this day, 2 selections will be made from our class to participate. 

Going on-line can be an easy way to find a poem.  Searching under “children’s poems” should give you a good selection.

When reciting, each child needs to recite the title and author and then begin.  Also a copy of the poem needs to be handed in on that day (11th).

Feel free to call or write a note in your child’s agenda with any questions.

Thanks Mrs. Neven

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Spelling List's 11 to 15

Spelling List 11
  1. cook
  2. look
  3. took
  4. brook
  5. shook
  6. foot
  7. wood
  8. good
  9. stood
  10. bookmark
  11. too
  12. soon
  13. food
  14. pool
  15. school
  16. toothbrush
  17. loose
  18. lose
  19. move
  20. flood
 Spelling List 12
  1.  high
  2. sigh
  3. sight
  4. light
  5. might
  6. tight
  7. right
  8. bright
  9. fright
  10. flight
  11. bite
  12. kite
  13. white
  14. write
  15. invite
  16. polite
  17. buy
  18. any
  19. many
  20. most
Spelling List 13
  1. knock
  2. knee
  3. kneel
  4. know
  5. knew
  6. boy
  7. toys
  8. join
  9. point
  10. noise
  11. tall
  12. fall
  13. small
  14. hallway
  15. baseball
  16. talk
  17. chalk
  18. sidewalk
  19. give
  20. live

Spelling List 14
  1. Jesus
  2. Christ
  3. Christmas
  4. Bethlehem
  5. shepherds
  6. Joseph
  7. Mary
  8. star
  9. angels
  10. joy
  11. manger
  12. stable
  13. donkey
  14. singing
  15. lights
  16. snowflakes
  17. stockings
  18. ornaments
  19. presents
  20. December
Spelling List 15
  1. lake
  2. path
  3. shape
  4. frost
  5. sled
  6. slide
  7. scrape
  8. three
  9. play
  10. too
  11. scoop
  12. skate
  13. popcorn
  14. ground
  15. snowman
  16. yard
  17. write
  18. are
  19. said
  20. come

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Grade Two Bazaar Contribution

Dear Parents,

Grade Two has been asked to prepare a special basket for the Bazaar auction.  Our theme this year is Winter Warmth. If you are able to send in an item or a cash donation, please indicate in the form below.  Some suggestions for purchases are gloves, scarves, and hats, as well as a sled, skis or other winter sports activities.  In light of our large class, a separate boy’s and girl’s basket may be created.

Thanks for your help!

Mrs. Neven & Miss Wassink

_________________________ will send in ____________________
         (name of your child)                                  (item, cash amount)

for the winter warmth basket for Grade Two by Friday, November 9, 2012.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Spelling Lists 5-10

Spelling List 5
  1. stand
  2. still
  3. fast
  4. cost
  5. best
  6. twist
  7. smell
  8. smile 
  9. snap
  10. snail
  11. snuggle
  12. slant
  13. sled
  14. slip
  15. slide
  16. swam
  17. sweep
  18. sweet
  19. you
  20. what

Spelling List 6

1. splash
2. split
3. spray
4. spring
5. sprinkle
6. scrap
7. scrape
8. scrub
9. strip
10. stripe
11. strike
12. street
13. squeak
14. squeal
15. squish
16. thrill
17. three
18. throw
19. here
20. there

Spelling List 7
  1. may
  2. way
  3. say 
  4. stay
  5. play
  6. scale
  7. scan
  8. scuff
  9. scoop
  10. scout
  11. skate
  12. sky
  13. skid
  14. skip
  15. ask
  16. dusk
  17. brisk
  18. says
  19. said 
  20. today
Spelling list 8
  1. far
  2. card
  3. yard
  4. dark
  5. mark
  6. art
  7. start
  8. smart
  9. chart
  10. march
  11. for 
  12. Lord
  13. north
  14. porch
  15. sport
  16. popcorn
  17. shortstop
  18. do
  19. does
  20. done
Spelling List 9
  1. our 
  2. south
  3. count
  4. ground
  5. found
  6. how 
  7. down
  8. frown
  9. clown
  10. brown
  11. slow
  12. blow
  13. grow
  14. pillow
  15. rainbow
  16. snowman
  17. soup
  18. group
  19. four
  20. your
Spelling List 10
  1. her 
  2. serve
  3. verse
  4. hurt
  5. turn
  6. curl
  7. stir
  8. girl
  9. first
  10. third
  11. shirt
  12. skirt
  13. word
  14. work
  15. world
  16. birthday
  17. some
  18. come
  19. love 
  20. have

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Memory Work Song Schedule 2012-2013

Memory Work_2012-2013


Psalter #
Week of
O Lord Thou Art My God and King            v. 1
                                                                   v. 8
Now Thank We All Our God                      v. 1
                                                                   v. 2
September  4                                                   
God’s Word
How Shall the Young Direct Their Way     v. 1
                                                                  v. 2
                                                                  v. 3
                                                                  v. 4
With Grateful Heart My Thanks I Bring     v. 1
October   1
Within Thy Temple, Lord                            v. 1
                                                                   v. 2
Christmas Songs / Program
November 5
Christmas Songs / Program
December  3
How Good and Pleasant is the Sight         v. 1
                                                                   v. 2
January 7
God, Be Merciful to Me                             v. 1
                                                                  v. 3
Gracious God, My Heart Renew               v.1
                                                                  v. 2
February 4
Zion Founded on the Mountains               v. 1
                                                                  v. 2
My God, My God I Cry to Thee                 v. 1
March 4
Thy Might Sets Fast the Mountains          v. 1
                                                                  v. 2
Hallelujah, Hallelujah                                 v. 1
                                                                   v. 2
Great Shepherd Who Leadest                   v. 1
April 2
God is King Forever                                 v. 2
                                                                  v. 3
Closing Program
May 6
Closing Program
June 3



Up Coming Events 2012-2013

The following list is a list of upcoming events at our school. Dates that pertain directly to Grade Two will be highlighted and added as the year progresses.  
September 4                 Opening Program 8:45 a.m./ Rooftop photo 9:30 a.m.
September 10               Picture Day KA-12
September 11               Picture Day KB
September 12               Pizza Lunch grades K-12
September 19               Hot Dog Lunch Grades K-12
September 19               Supermarket Day
September 20               Elementary Open House 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
September 22               Golf Tournament @ Century Pine Community Golf Club
September 26               Mission Bake Sale: Grade 12 hosting
September 28               High School Field Day – Mohawk Sports Park 
October 1                     Chapel Service
October 3                     Sub-Lunch grades 4-12
October 6                     Rockton Fair Spelling Bee 9:00 a.m.
October 8                     Thanksgiving Day – no classes
October 10                    Pizza Lunch grades K-12
October 12                    Interim Reports Grades K-12
October 17                    Hot Dog Lunch grades K-12
October 17                    Supermarket Day
October 18                    P-T Interviews 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
October 24                    Mission Bake Sale – grade 11 hosting
October 31                    Sub-Lunch grades 4-12
November 1-2               PA Days - no classes
November 5                  Chapel Service
November 6                  Picture Retakes
November 7                  Pizza Lunch grades K-12
November 9                  Mid-Semester Report Grades 9-12
November 12                Remembrance Day Assembly
November 14                Hot Dog Lunch grades K-12
November 14                Supermarket Day
November 15                Tri-School Creative Writing Competition
November 21                Mission Bake Sale – Grade 9 hosting
November 28                Sub-Lunch grades 4-12
November 30                Term 1 Reports Grades K-8
December 3                  Chapel Service
December 5                  Pizza Lunch grades K-12
December 12                Hot Dog Lunch grades K-12
December 12                Supermarket Day
December 19                Mission Bake Sale – Grade 7 hosting
December 21                Christmas Assembly
December 24 – Jan 4    Christmas break – no classes
January 7                      Chapel Service
January 9                      Sub-Lunch grades 4-12
January 16                    Pizza Lunch grades K-12
January 21-25               Final Exams Grades 9-12
January 23                    Hot Dog Lunch grades K-12
January 23                    Supermarket Day
January 24                    Grade 8 Information Evening @ 7:30 p.m.
January 25                    SWOSC (Snow Day January 28th)
January 28                    Semester change day – no high school classes
January 28 – Feb 1       Mission Week
January 30                    Mission Bake Sale – Grade 6 hosting
February 4                    Chapel Service
February 6                    Sub-Lunch grades 4-12
February 8                    Final Report Semester 1 Grades 9-12
February 13                  Pizza Lunch grades K-12
February 14                  Secondary Ski Trip – Blue Mountains, Collingwood
February 15                  PA Day –
February 18                  Family Day – no classes
February 20                  Hot Dog Lunch grades K-12
February 20                  Supermarket Day
February 27                  Mission Bake Sale - Grade 5 hosting
March 4                        Chapel Service
March 6                        Sub-Lunch grades 4-12
March 7                        Tri-School Spelling Contest
March 8                         Interim Report Card Semester 2 Grades 9-12
March 8                         Term 2 Report Card Grades K-8
March 11-18                 Spring break – no classes
March 20                       Pizza Lunch grades K-12
March 20                       Supermarket Day
March 26                       Grad Photos Grade KA
March 27                       Grad Photos Grades KB, 8
March 27                       Hot Dog Lunch grades K-12
March 28                       Grad Photos Grade 12
March 28                       Parent Teacher Interviews 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Grades K-12
March 29                       Good Friday – no classes
April 1                           Easter Monday – no classes
April 3                           Mission Bake Sale – Grade 4 hosting
April 5                           Mid-Semester Report Card Grades 9-12
April 8                           Chapel Service
April 10                         Sub-Lunch grades 4-12
April 11                         OSSLT Grade 10
April 12                         Grandparents Day (Grade 2 supplies baking)
April 12                         WD 24 hour fast
April 15 - 19                 CAT4 Testing grades 3,5,7,9,11
April 17                         Pizza Lunch grades K-12
April 17                         Supermarket Day
April 24                         Hot Dog Lunch grades K-12
April 25                         RCS Membership Meeting
April 27                         Spring Breakfast
May 1                           Mission Bake Sale – Grades 3 hosting
May 6                           Chapel Service
May 8                           Sub-Lunch grades 4-12
May 9                           Tri-School Public Speaking Competition
May 15                         Pizza Lunch grades K-12
May 15                         Supermarket Day
May 20                         Victoria Day Holiday – no classes
May 21                         Grade 10 Ottawa; Grade 11 French Quebec City
May 22                         Hot Dog Lunch grades K-12
May 23-25                    Grade 12 Algonquin grad trip
May 29                         Mission Popsicle SaleMission Committee
May 31                         Elementary Field Day (Rain date June 3)
May 31                         Grade 7-12 Mission Work Day
June 3                           Chapel Service
June 5                           Sub-Lunch grades 4-12
June 10-14                   Final Exams Semester 2
June 12                         Hot Dog Lunch grades K-12
June 12                         Supermarket Day
June 20                         Grade 12 Grad dinner @ 6:00 p.m.
June 21                         Grade 8 Grad dinner @ 6:00 p.m.
June 21                         Graduation / School Closing Program @ 7:30 p.m.