Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Memory Work Song Schedule 2012-2013

Memory Work_2012-2013


Psalter #
Week of
O Lord Thou Art My God and King            v. 1
                                                                   v. 8
Now Thank We All Our God                      v. 1
                                                                   v. 2
September  4                                                   
God’s Word
How Shall the Young Direct Their Way     v. 1
                                                                  v. 2
                                                                  v. 3
                                                                  v. 4
With Grateful Heart My Thanks I Bring     v. 1
October   1
Within Thy Temple, Lord                            v. 1
                                                                   v. 2
Christmas Songs / Program
November 5
Christmas Songs / Program
December  3
How Good and Pleasant is the Sight         v. 1
                                                                   v. 2
January 7
God, Be Merciful to Me                             v. 1
                                                                  v. 3
Gracious God, My Heart Renew               v.1
                                                                  v. 2
February 4
Zion Founded on the Mountains               v. 1
                                                                  v. 2
My God, My God I Cry to Thee                 v. 1
March 4
Thy Might Sets Fast the Mountains          v. 1
                                                                  v. 2
Hallelujah, Hallelujah                                 v. 1
                                                                   v. 2
Great Shepherd Who Leadest                   v. 1
April 2
God is King Forever                                 v. 2
                                                                  v. 3
Closing Program
May 6
Closing Program
June 3



Up Coming Events 2012-2013

The following list is a list of upcoming events at our school. Dates that pertain directly to Grade Two will be highlighted and added as the year progresses.  
September 4                 Opening Program 8:45 a.m./ Rooftop photo 9:30 a.m.
September 10               Picture Day KA-12
September 11               Picture Day KB
September 12               Pizza Lunch grades K-12
September 19               Hot Dog Lunch Grades K-12
September 19               Supermarket Day
September 20               Elementary Open House 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
September 22               Golf Tournament @ Century Pine Community Golf Club
September 26               Mission Bake Sale: Grade 12 hosting
September 28               High School Field Day – Mohawk Sports Park 
October 1                     Chapel Service
October 3                     Sub-Lunch grades 4-12
October 6                     Rockton Fair Spelling Bee 9:00 a.m.
October 8                     Thanksgiving Day – no classes
October 10                    Pizza Lunch grades K-12
October 12                    Interim Reports Grades K-12
October 17                    Hot Dog Lunch grades K-12
October 17                    Supermarket Day
October 18                    P-T Interviews 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
October 24                    Mission Bake Sale – grade 11 hosting
October 31                    Sub-Lunch grades 4-12
November 1-2               PA Days - no classes
November 5                  Chapel Service
November 6                  Picture Retakes
November 7                  Pizza Lunch grades K-12
November 9                  Mid-Semester Report Grades 9-12
November 12                Remembrance Day Assembly
November 14                Hot Dog Lunch grades K-12
November 14                Supermarket Day
November 15                Tri-School Creative Writing Competition
November 21                Mission Bake Sale – Grade 9 hosting
November 28                Sub-Lunch grades 4-12
November 30                Term 1 Reports Grades K-8
December 3                  Chapel Service
December 5                  Pizza Lunch grades K-12
December 12                Hot Dog Lunch grades K-12
December 12                Supermarket Day
December 19                Mission Bake Sale – Grade 7 hosting
December 21                Christmas Assembly
December 24 – Jan 4    Christmas break – no classes
January 7                      Chapel Service
January 9                      Sub-Lunch grades 4-12
January 16                    Pizza Lunch grades K-12
January 21-25               Final Exams Grades 9-12
January 23                    Hot Dog Lunch grades K-12
January 23                    Supermarket Day
January 24                    Grade 8 Information Evening @ 7:30 p.m.
January 25                    SWOSC (Snow Day January 28th)
January 28                    Semester change day – no high school classes
January 28 – Feb 1       Mission Week
January 30                    Mission Bake Sale – Grade 6 hosting
February 4                    Chapel Service
February 6                    Sub-Lunch grades 4-12
February 8                    Final Report Semester 1 Grades 9-12
February 13                  Pizza Lunch grades K-12
February 14                  Secondary Ski Trip – Blue Mountains, Collingwood
February 15                  PA Day –
February 18                  Family Day – no classes
February 20                  Hot Dog Lunch grades K-12
February 20                  Supermarket Day
February 27                  Mission Bake Sale - Grade 5 hosting
March 4                        Chapel Service
March 6                        Sub-Lunch grades 4-12
March 7                        Tri-School Spelling Contest
March 8                         Interim Report Card Semester 2 Grades 9-12
March 8                         Term 2 Report Card Grades K-8
March 11-18                 Spring break – no classes
March 20                       Pizza Lunch grades K-12
March 20                       Supermarket Day
March 26                       Grad Photos Grade KA
March 27                       Grad Photos Grades KB, 8
March 27                       Hot Dog Lunch grades K-12
March 28                       Grad Photos Grade 12
March 28                       Parent Teacher Interviews 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Grades K-12
March 29                       Good Friday – no classes
April 1                           Easter Monday – no classes
April 3                           Mission Bake Sale – Grade 4 hosting
April 5                           Mid-Semester Report Card Grades 9-12
April 8                           Chapel Service
April 10                         Sub-Lunch grades 4-12
April 11                         OSSLT Grade 10
April 12                         Grandparents Day (Grade 2 supplies baking)
April 12                         WD 24 hour fast
April 15 - 19                 CAT4 Testing grades 3,5,7,9,11
April 17                         Pizza Lunch grades K-12
April 17                         Supermarket Day
April 24                         Hot Dog Lunch grades K-12
April 25                         RCS Membership Meeting
April 27                         Spring Breakfast
May 1                           Mission Bake Sale – Grades 3 hosting
May 6                           Chapel Service
May 8                           Sub-Lunch grades 4-12
May 9                           Tri-School Public Speaking Competition
May 15                         Pizza Lunch grades K-12
May 15                         Supermarket Day
May 20                         Victoria Day Holiday – no classes
May 21                         Grade 10 Ottawa; Grade 11 French Quebec City
May 22                         Hot Dog Lunch grades K-12
May 23-25                    Grade 12 Algonquin grad trip
May 29                         Mission Popsicle SaleMission Committee
May 31                         Elementary Field Day (Rain date June 3)
May 31                         Grade 7-12 Mission Work Day
June 3                           Chapel Service
June 5                           Sub-Lunch grades 4-12
June 10-14                   Final Exams Semester 2
June 12                         Hot Dog Lunch grades K-12
June 12                         Supermarket Day
June 20                         Grade 12 Grad dinner @ 6:00 p.m.
June 21                         Grade 8 Grad dinner @ 6:00 p.m.
June 21                         Graduation / School Closing Program @ 7:30 p.m.

Oral Reading Guide for Marking

Below is an overview of how oral reading will be evaluated in Grade Two. It may come in handy when listening to your child read out loud at home. Listen and stress one or two areas at a time to work on with your child and celebrate the successes they have along the way. Happy reading!

Oral Reading Evaluation Scheme


When reading orally, I generally listen for the following characteristics to be present when a student reads:

1)      Smoothness: reading by good phrasing rather than reading word by word; there should be no pauses unless called for by punctuation or context

2)      Alertness to punctuation: stopping at periods, pausing at commas, and raising voice at question marks

3)      Volume: reading loudly enough to be heard clearly at the back of the room; holding the book correctly and keeping the head up help the volume to improve

4)      Enunciation: saying the words clearly, not mumbling; some will need to slow down in order to accomplish this

5)      Speed: reading at a speed that enables the reader to be accurate, smooth, and expressive

6)      Accuracy: pronouncing words and reading sentences correctly

7)      Poise: having confidence in reading and speaking before others

8)      Expression: having good voice inflection to make the story interesting and realistic

Grade Range

A or A-                                    students who read smoothly with proper expression and

                                                need very little help

B+ or B                                   students who have good expression but need to sound out

                                                words occasionally, or who have to reread from time to

                                                time to get good expression

B- or C+                                  students who need to work on expression, but who know

                                                the words or can sound them out quickly

C or C-                                    students who are having difficulty with words and


D+ or D                                   students who are struggling and must sound out nearly

                                                every word and reread several times before new reading is












Welcome Letter

Dear Parents,                                                                                      September 4, 2012


     Another school season is starting as well as other events such as Sunday school, Bible studies, and various meetings that keep families busy. I hope that you enjoyed your summer full of rest, holidays, and visiting with friends and family. I am looking forward to having your child in Grade 2, and consider it a privilege to be their teacher this year.

New this year are two special items.

1.  Miss Alison Wassink will join our class as a Teacher's Assistant.   She will be working along side us, helping to ensure oral reading, focused math lessons and other jobs such as administrative duties get done.  If you have any concerns please forward them to Mrs. Neven, not Miss Wassink.

2.  A blog has been created to ensure that at all times spelling lists and important notes can be accessed.  Please do not comment on the blog site as there is no privacy there.  No last names or school name will be posted there.  To access, type  in your browser.  I hope this will be helpful to us all.


Listed are some of the routines for the up coming year.


1.  Library: Our library day this year is Thursday. Please help your child remember their library books so that they can borrow new ones.


2. Phys-ed: Gym will be on Wednesday’s and ½ the class on Thursday's and the other ½ on Friday’s. Students do not need a change in clothes, but they do need non-scuff inside shoes (running shoes, please) for this.


3. Art: We plan on doing art a few days/week and as we all know accidents can happen. Paint shirt’s will be provided and will be worn to cover their uniform.


4. Math: I may periodically request that you review math facts with your child. This can be done in various ways that are fun.


5. Spelling: We usually go through one spelling lesson per week. On Thursday’s students will be asked to copy their words in their agendas under the column “Words of the Week.”  As the year progresses and more words are added, it will be necessary to “squish” them in. Our test days are on Friday. Our first test will be on Sept. 14.  Each test page will go home in the test package every Friday.  On the back side of each test will be the list for the next week.

As we progress through the year, 3 vocabulary words will be included.  Additional instructions will be given at that time.  We will be able to access the spelling word list on 


6. Homework: Students will have reading homework this year. These reading assignments are meant to reinforce what has been taught in class. A suggested method of doing reading homework is to have your child read over the material by themselves first. Then sit down together and have your child read to you. Encourage your child to sound out words that are difficult for them versus giving them the words.

     Each child will be given a bookmark with reading hints on it to help when struggling through a story.

     I understand families can become very busy at times. So, please, if your child has a legitimate reason for not finishing a reading homework assignment just write it in their agenda and reassure your child that these things happen and their teacher understands.

     Make homework a priority with your child by providing him/her with all the necessary supplies and an appropriate working environment. Give your child lots of praise and support when homework is completed responsibly. Contact me by phoning the school or a note in the agenda if you notice a problem.

     Your child may have homework in other subjects such as math but every attempt will be made to finish at school without sacrificing recess.


7. Reading Books: In our phonics/reading program, we use many books. We ask that special care be given to these books so that they will last a long time. If any book is damaged or lost and requires replacement, a fee will be charged to cover the cost of the new book. To help keep all readers protected, each child will receive a bag to store their readers in. This will help avoid ripped covers and wet pages.


8. Agendas: Students are required to write down their homework in their agenda everyday. If they have no homework, they are to write “No Homework.” Agendas need to be signed daily (except on weekends) by a parent even on those days that have no homework. This is also a means of communication between you as parents and me.  Agendas will also contain changes to assignments listed in the weekly bulletin. We will also include any events that are occurring such as: library day, pizza day, and so on.  Please feel free to write a question or a note to me.  A small sticker is given for a signed agenda.


9. Worksheet Packages: Worksheet packages will be sent home once a week (Probably on Fridays). Please look them over so you know how your child is doing. These do not have to be signed or returned to school unless you have questions or concerns about your child’s mark. Please send it back with your questions and I’ll get back to you.  


10. Magazine Order: You will receive a magazine order for Chickadee, Puzzlemania, and for Highlights. Please do not fell obligated to order these magazines, but whether you answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ please return the slip to school SIGNED! It means a free gift for our class if all slips are returned SIGNED.  Free stickers and goodies! Return all forms by Wednesday, Sept. 12.


11. Extra Clothes: Sometimes accidents occur during the day (muddy or wet clothes), and clean clothes are needed. Pleases send a complete set of inside clothes (school colours, if possible) in a bag that can be folded, labeled and kept in a cupboard.


10. American Content: As you realize much of our curriculum in the lower grades comes from USA. We try as much as possible in the classroom to replace it with Canadian content. Examples of this would be the American coins on a math page are covered with the Canadian coins, or in spelling, the spelling of “colour” is taught spelling it the Canadian way and not the American style which would be “color”. So please remember we are trying our best to replace what we can with Canadian content.  Any American content pages are done at student initiative only.


11. Discipline Procedures:

            There are a few simple rules, which are expected to be followed:

             1. During a lesson, raise your hand to speak.

 2. Be busy with something constructive at all times.

             3. Respect each other’s property and person.

            If a student clearly breaks a rule, the following steps are taken:

1. First offence- name written on the board merely as a warning. If it      

    concerns rule number three an apology will be necessary and   

    possibly the cost of replacing the item.

2. Second offence- spelling list for the week will be written out 

    1 time (done at the next recess).

            3. Third offence- phone call home

Each student begins each day with a “clean slate”.

I hope we have a good school year together. Please call or leave a note in the agenda if you have any questions or concerns.

