Thursday, 19 December 2013

List 21-25

List 21
  1. sleepy
  2. frosty
  3. faster
  4. helper
  5. winner
  6. loudest
  7. biggest
  8. softly
  9. slowly
  10. kindly
  11. taken
  12. eaten
  13. frozen
  14. dishes
  15. washes
  16. lunches
  17. classes
  18. houses
  19. every
  20. very
  21. courtesy: kindness; politeness
  22. repent: to turn from
  23. difficult: hard to do
List 22
  1. lamb
  2. climb
  3. thumb
  4. combed
  5. plumber
  6. wild
  7. child
  8. wind
  9. find
  10. remind
  11. told
  12. sold
  13. hold
  14. cold
  15. colder
  16. fold
  17. folder
  18. I'm
  19. I've
  20. I'll
  21. property: something a person owns
  22. distant: far away
  23. desire: to want
List 23
  1. grew
  2. chew
  3. knew
  4. new
  5. mew
  6. haul
  7. cause
  8. pause
  9. sauce
  10. saucer
  11. law
  12. paws
  13. draw
  14. straw
  15. lawn
  16. dawn
  17. crawl
  18. he's
  19. it's
  20. who's
  21. succeed: to do something well
  22. impossible: not able to be done
  23. amazed: surprised
List 24
  1. brownie
  2. cookie
  3. field
  4. piece
  5. niece
  6. believe
  7. key
  8. keys
  9. turkey
  10. monkey
  11. money
  12. honey
  13. valley
  14. chimney
  15. obey
  16. they'll
  17. they've
  18. they're
  19. we're
  20. you're
  21. suffer: to feel pain
  22. strength: power
  23. wealthy: rich
List 25
  1. phrase
  2.  graph
  3. telephone
  4. alphabet
  5. elephant
  6. chorus
  7. echo
  8. echoes
  9. rough
  10. tough
  11. bought
  12. brought
  13. fought
  14. thought
  15. taught
  16. caught
  17. daughter
  18. didn't
  19. doesn't
  20. don't
  21. fleet: a group of ships or planes
  22. coast: a land next to the sea
  23. chimes: a set of bells

List 16 - 20

List 16
  1. rang
  2. sang
  3. thing
  4. bring
  5. swinging
  6. strong
  7. along
  8. swung
  9. stung
  10. thank
  11. blank
  12. blanket
  13. sink
  14. twinkle
  15. honk
  16. dunk
  17. trunk
  18. they 
  19. their
  20. there
  21. avoid: to stay away from
  22. dwell: to live in a place
  23. honest: truthful
List 17
  1. Bible
  2. table
  3. tiny
  4. lady
  5. cozy
  6. happy
  7. daddy
  8. puppy
  9. penny
  10. pretty
  11. bubble
  12. middle
  13. puddle
  14. puzzle
  15. giggle
  16. freckle
  17. people
  18. busy
  19. laugh
  20. together
  21. eager: wanting very much to do or get something
  22. command: an order
  23. destroy: to ruin
List 18
  1. added
  2. ended
  3. rested
  4. trusted
  5. counted
  6. called
  7. spilled
  8. mailed
  9. rained
  10. cleaned
  11. talked
  12. helped
  13. dressed
  14. wished
  15. marked
  16. asked
  17. once
  18. only
  19. both
  20. again
  21. couple: two things
  22. created: brought into life
  23. faith: belief; trust
List 19
  1. why 
  2. when 
  3. which
  4. whistle
  5. whisper
  6. whole
  7. check
  8. choose
  9. lunch
  10. crunch
  11. much
  12. such
  13. catch
  14. match
  15. stitch
  16. scratch
  17. stretch
  18. hopscotch
  19. who
  20. whose
  21. company: guests
  22. knowledge: learning; understanding
  23. victory: the winning of a contest or battle; success
List 20
  1. earn
  2. learn
  3. pearl
  4. search
  5. early
  6. bear
  7. pear
  8. wear
  9. wearing
  10. tear
  11. dear
  12. fear
  13. hear
  14. near
  15. clear
  16. year
  17. yearly
  18. earmuffs
  19. where
  20. were
  21. citizen: a person who belongs to a country
  22. confess: to admit you have done wrong
  23. courage: bravery

List 14 & 15

Spelling List 14
  1. Jesus
  2. Christ
  3. Christmas
  4. Bethlehem
  5. shepherds
  6. Joseph
  7. Mary
  8. star
  9. angels
  10. joy
  11. manger
  12. stable
  13. donkey
  14. singing
  15. lights
  16. snowflakes
  17. stockings
  18. ornaments
  19. presents
  20. December
Spelling List 15
  1. lake
  2. path
  3. shape
  4. frost
  5. sled
  6. slide
  7. scrape
  8. three
  9. play
  10. too
  11. scoop
  12. skate
  13. popcorn
  14. ground
  15. snowman
  16. yard
  17. write
  18. are
  19. said
  20. come

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Phonics Charts 6-13

Chart 6
Chart 8
Chart 10
Chart 12
ck in duck
e in me
o in go
y in fly
ay in pray
st in stop
pl in plane
fr in frog
tr in train
sh in ship
th in thick
th in this
bl in block
cl in clock
fl in flake
gl in glue
thr in three
ar in stars
ch in church
or in morning
ou in out
ow in owl
ow in bowl
er in verse
ur in nurse
ir in bird
oi in coin
oy in boy
oo in book
oo in tooth
wor in worms
igh in night
all in ball
alk in walk
wh in whale
wh in who
tch in patch
ear in ear
ear in bear
ear in earth
old in gold
mb in lamb
ew in flew
ew in few
-y in rainy
-er in bigger
-est in biggest
-ly in slowly
-en in sharpen
-es in peaches
ild in child
ind in kind
a - in asleep
al- in also
be- in because
en- in enjoy
un- in unbutton
wr in wrinkle
ould in could
air in hair
u in push
ough in enough
ou in country
arr in carry
ire in fire                                                   

Chart 7
Chart 9
Chart 11
Chart 13
br in bride
dr in drum
pr in pray
gr in grin
sm in smoke
sc in scat
sk in skate
sp in spade
cr in crab
tw in twins
spl in splash
spr in sprain
scr in scream
squ in squeak
sn in snack
sl in sleep
str in stream
sw in swim
-ing in pointing
kn in knot
gn in gnat
ang in bang
ing in king
ong in long
str in strung
ank in bank
ink in wink
onk in honk
unk in trunk
wa in wash
a in adopt
y in baby
le in little
-ed in wanted
-ed in looked
-ed in played
o in shovel
a in banana
c in city
au in faucet
aw in saw
ea in leaf
ea in thread
ea in steak
ie in brownie
ey in key
ey in obey
ph in phone
ch in chorus
ought in thought
aught in caught
g in giant
dge in fudge
-ful  in wonderful
are in care
tain in mountain
ure in pure
ture in pasture
war in warm
tion in nation
sion in missionary
sion in television
eigh in eight
or in sailor
ar in dollar
y in crystal
err in cherry

Friday, 11 October 2013

Spelling Lists 6-10

Spelling List 5
  1. stand
  2. still
  3. fast
  4. cost
  5. best
  6. twist
  7. smell
  8. smile 
  9. snap
  10. snail
  11. snuggle
  12. slant
  13. sled
  14. slip
  15. slide
  16. swam
  17. sweep
  18. sweet
  19. you
  20. what

Spelling List 6

1. splash
2. split
3. spray
4. spring
5. sprinkle
6. scrap
7. scrape
8. scrub
9. strip
10. stripe
11. strike
12. street
13. squeak 
14. squeal
15. squish
16. thrill
17. three
18. throw
19. here
20. there

Spelling List 7
  1. may
  2. way
  3. say 
  4. stay
  5. play
  6. scale
  7. scan
  8. scuff
  9. scoop
  10. scout
  11. skate
  12. sky
  13. skid
  14. skip
  15. ask
  16. dusk
  17. brisk
  18. says
  19. said 
  20. today
Spelling list 8
  1. far
  2. card
  3. yard
  4. dark
  5. mark
  6. art
  7. start
  8. smart
  9. chart
  10. march
  11. for 
  12. Lord
  13. north
  14. porch
  15. sport
  16. popcorn
  17. shortstop
  18. do
  19. does
  20. done
Spelling List 9 
  1. our 
  2. south
  3. count
  4. ground
  5. found
  6. how 
  7. down
  8. frown
  9. clown
  10. brown
  11. slow
  12. blow
  13. grow
  14. pillow
  15. rainbow
  16. snowman
  17. soup
  18. group
  19. four
  20. your
Spelling List 10
  1. her 
  2. serve
  3. verse
  4. hurt
  5. turn
  6. curl
  7. stir
  8. girl
  9. first
  10. third
  11. shirt
  12. skirt
  13. word
  14. work
  15. world
  16. birthday
  17. some
  18. come
  19. love 
  20. have

Friday, 13 September 2013

Psalter tunes web site

Psalter tunes web site

If you are unfamiliar with some of the psalter tunes that we have chosen for memory work this year, here is a website that has the tunes available in a midi format.

I find that it works quite well.

Spelling Hints and Spelling city website

As we work on our spelling lists, here are some fun ways to study at home!

Wordo—Played just like the game Bingo, but this version uses sight words instead of numbers on a grid card.
Concentration—Sight word concentration cards can easily be made using index cards. Simply write each word on two cards, shuffle and lay face down to play.
Word Searches—Create word searches featuring sight words or use one of the many available on the Internet.
Go Fish—Go fish cards can easily be made using index cards. Simply write each word on two cards, shuffle and deal to play.
Playdough Words-Using playdough, have your child roll (make “snakes”) one letter at a time to spell the sight word. Your child can practice saying the sight word as he/she rolls it.
Sand Words-Using a metal baking sheet, sprinkle some sand (or salt or cornstarch) onto it so a thin layer is created. Ask your child to choose a word and write the word in the sand using his/her pointer finger. Ask your child to say the word created in the sand. Shake the tray carefully to erase the word.
Shaving Cream Words-Using a counter or table top, squirt some shaving cream onto the level surface and smooth out to a thin layer. Ask your child to choose a word and write the word in the shaving cream using his/her pointer finger. Ask your child to say the word. Smooth hand over the shaving cream to erase the word.

At school we have been using the computer room and logging on to the website:

Once on the site, go to "find a list"
where it will ask you to find a teacher. (please enter my first and last name with a space between)
then you should find find my name coming up. click on it
once on the site for our class, go to the list # that we are studying, we play the "free" games (unless you are willing to sign your child up)

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Weekly Memory Work - Theme - Beatitudes

Memory Work                                                              ___________2013-2014

Psalter #
Week of

Intro to Sermon and Beatitudes
How Shall the Young Direct Their Way    v. 1
                                                                   v. 2
Though I am Poor and Sorrowful             v.1
                                                                   v. 2



Blessed are the poor in spirit
Now Thank We All Our God                     v. 1
How Shall the Young Direct Their Way    v. 3
                                                                   v. 4
 From Out the Depth I Cry, O Lord           v. 1
                                                                   v. 2
Sept.         30

October      7

Blessed are they that mourn
Lord, I Lift my Soul to Thee                      v.2
                                                                   v. 3
Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah                        v. 5
Christmas Songs / Program
November 4


Blessed are the meek
Christmas Songs / Program
December  2

Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst
 Gracious God My Heart Renew                v. 1
                                                                   v. 2
God, Be Merciful to Me                             v. 1
                                                                   v. 3
January 6



Blessed are the merciful
 Lord Thou Hast Searched Me                   v. 1
                                                                   v. 5
Zion Founded on the Mountains                v. 1
February  3


Blessed are the pure in heart
With Joy and Gladness in my Soul           v. 1
                                                                  v. 2
                                                                  v. 3
March   3


Blessed are the peace-makers
 My God, My God I Cry to Thee               v. 1                                                     
                                                                  v. 8
If We Have Forgotten the Name of our God
                                                                   v. 2
March    31

April       7


Blessed are they which are persecuted
Christ Shall Have Dominion                      v. 1
                                                                   v. 4
Closing Program
May     5 


The Beatitudes
Closing Program

June 2