Friday, 13 September 2013

Psalter tunes web site

Psalter tunes web site

If you are unfamiliar with some of the psalter tunes that we have chosen for memory work this year, here is a website that has the tunes available in a midi format.

I find that it works quite well.

Spelling Hints and Spelling city website

As we work on our spelling lists, here are some fun ways to study at home!

Wordo—Played just like the game Bingo, but this version uses sight words instead of numbers on a grid card.
Concentration—Sight word concentration cards can easily be made using index cards. Simply write each word on two cards, shuffle and lay face down to play.
Word Searches—Create word searches featuring sight words or use one of the many available on the Internet.
Go Fish—Go fish cards can easily be made using index cards. Simply write each word on two cards, shuffle and deal to play.
Playdough Words-Using playdough, have your child roll (make “snakes”) one letter at a time to spell the sight word. Your child can practice saying the sight word as he/she rolls it.
Sand Words-Using a metal baking sheet, sprinkle some sand (or salt or cornstarch) onto it so a thin layer is created. Ask your child to choose a word and write the word in the sand using his/her pointer finger. Ask your child to say the word created in the sand. Shake the tray carefully to erase the word.
Shaving Cream Words-Using a counter or table top, squirt some shaving cream onto the level surface and smooth out to a thin layer. Ask your child to choose a word and write the word in the shaving cream using his/her pointer finger. Ask your child to say the word. Smooth hand over the shaving cream to erase the word.

At school we have been using the computer room and logging on to the website:

Once on the site, go to "find a list"
where it will ask you to find a teacher. (please enter my first and last name with a space between)
then you should find find my name coming up. click on it
once on the site for our class, go to the list # that we are studying, we play the "free" games (unless you are willing to sign your child up)

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Weekly Memory Work - Theme - Beatitudes

Memory Work                                                              ___________2013-2014

Psalter #
Week of

Intro to Sermon and Beatitudes
How Shall the Young Direct Their Way    v. 1
                                                                   v. 2
Though I am Poor and Sorrowful             v.1
                                                                   v. 2



Blessed are the poor in spirit
Now Thank We All Our God                     v. 1
How Shall the Young Direct Their Way    v. 3
                                                                   v. 4
 From Out the Depth I Cry, O Lord           v. 1
                                                                   v. 2
Sept.         30

October      7

Blessed are they that mourn
Lord, I Lift my Soul to Thee                      v.2
                                                                   v. 3
Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah                        v. 5
Christmas Songs / Program
November 4


Blessed are the meek
Christmas Songs / Program
December  2

Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst
 Gracious God My Heart Renew                v. 1
                                                                   v. 2
God, Be Merciful to Me                             v. 1
                                                                   v. 3
January 6



Blessed are the merciful
 Lord Thou Hast Searched Me                   v. 1
                                                                   v. 5
Zion Founded on the Mountains                v. 1
February  3


Blessed are the pure in heart
With Joy and Gladness in my Soul           v. 1
                                                                  v. 2
                                                                  v. 3
March   3


Blessed are the peace-makers
 My God, My God I Cry to Thee               v. 1                                                     
                                                                  v. 8
If We Have Forgotten the Name of our God
                                                                   v. 2
March    31

April       7


Blessed are they which are persecuted
Christ Shall Have Dominion                      v. 1
                                                                   v. 4
Closing Program
May     5 


The Beatitudes
Closing Program

June 2

Oral Reading Guide for Marking

Oral Reading Guide for Marking

Below is an overview of how oral reading will be evaluated in Grade Two. It may come in handy when listening to your child read out loud at home. Listen and stress one or two areas at a time to work on with your child and celebrate the successes they have along the way. Happy reading!

Oral Reading Evaluation Scheme


When reading orally, I generally listen for the following characteristics to be present when a student reads:

1)      Smoothness: reading by good phrasing rather than reading word by word; there should be no pauses unless called for by punctuation or context

2)      Alertness to punctuation: stopping at periods, pausing at commas, and raising voice at question marks

3)      Volume: reading loudly enough to be heard clearly at the back of the room; holding the book correctly and keeping the head up help the volume to improve

4)      Enunciation: saying the words clearly, not mumbling; some will need to slow down in order to accomplish this

5)      Speed: reading at a speed that enables the reader to be accurate, smooth, and expressive

6)      Accuracy: pronouncing words and reading sentences correctly

7)      Poise: having confidence in reading and speaking before others

8)      Expression: having good voice inflection to make the story interesting and realistic

Grade Range

A or A-                                    students who read smoothly with proper expression and

                                                need very little help

B+ or B                                   students who have good expression but need to sound out

                                                words occasionally, or who have to reread from time to

                                                time to get good expression

B- or C+                                  students who need to work on expression, but who know

                                                the words or can sound them out quickly

C or C-                                    students who are having difficulty with words and


D+ or D                                   students who are struggling and must sound out nearly

                                                every word and reread several times before new reading is


Spelling Lists # 1-5

Spelling Lists # 1-5

List 1
1. back
2. bake
3. lick
4. like
5. bike
6. lack
7. lake
8. duck
9. pack
10. stick
11. camp
12. tents
13. bugs
14. a
15. the
List 2
1. be
2. we
3. go
4. so
5. try
6. shy
7. she
8. shape
9. wish
10. fresh
11. that
12. then
13. thin
14. path
15. with
16. cloth
17. clothes
18. one
19. two
20. to
List 3
1. bless
2. blast
3. blond
4. clock
5. clap
6. class
7. club
8. flag
9. flat
10. float
11. fly
12. glad
13. glass
14. globe
15. plus
16. plate
17. please
18. are
19. was
20. were
List 4 
1. fry
2. frost
3. free
4. tree
5. treat
6. trust
7. brush
8. brave
9. cross
10. creek
11. dry
12. drop
13. dress
14. press
15. print
16. prize
17. grass
18. grape
19. from
20. of
List 5
1. stand
2. still
3. fast
4. cost
5. best
6. twist
7. smell
8. smile
9. snap
10. snail
11. snuggle
12. slant
13. sled
14. slip
15. slide
16. swam
17. sweep
18. sweet
19. you
20. what