Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Grade 2 Option 1

The Contents of My Desk

A nail.
A nickel.
A snail.
A pickle.
A twisted-up
A ring for
my pinky.
A blackened
A love note
from Hannah.
My doodles
of rockets.
The lint from
my pockets.
A fork-like
But sorry…
no pencil.
 --Kenn Nesbitt

Option 2 
by Kenn Nesbitt

I cannot find my elephant.
He must have run away.
He isn’t on the sofa
where he promised he would stay.

I’ll need to get a bloodhound
who can track him by his scent,
or hire a house detective
to discover where he went.

Perhaps I’ll make some posters,
and I’ll offer a reward.
I’d make it more, but fifty cents
is all I can afford.

He knows the way. It’s up the street
and down our garden path.
And next time I won’t warn him
when it’s time to take his bath.

Psalter Memory Work 2016

Memory Work    Theme: Humility-James 4:10__        _____2016-2017
Possible psalters 403/ 308/ 24/ 15v1,2/ 51:1,3/ 60 v1 2 3/ 140/ 141/ 337 v1 3/ 381 v1 3/ 333/ 40:1,5,6
Psalter #
Week of

Lord, Our Lord, Thy Glorious Name          v. 1
                                                                  v. 2
The Law That the Lord Has Ordained       v. 1
                                                                  v. 6
September  6                                                    

Gen. 18:27
How Shall the Young Direct Their Way   v. 1,2
Lord, To Me Thy Ways Make Known         v. 1
                                                                  v. 3
                                                                  v. 5
Praise Ye the Lord, For It Is Good             v. 3
October      3
Deut. 8:2
Though I am Poor and Sorrowful               v. 1
From Out the Depths I Cry, O Lord            v. 1
                                                                  v. 3
Christmas Songs / Program
November 7          

2 Chron.7:14
Christmas Songs / Program
December   5

Prov. 15:33
How Shall the Young Direct Their Way      v.3
                                                                  v. 4
All That I Am I Owe To Thee                      v. 1
                                                                  v. 5
January 9

Matt. 20:28
Gracious God, My Heart Renew               v. 1
                                                                 v. 2
It is Good to Sing Thy Praises                   v. 1
My God, My God I Cry to Thee                 v. 1
February  6
John 13:14
My God, My God I Cry to Thee                v. 10
That Man is Blest, Who Fearing God         v. 1
                                                                  v. 2
March   6
Micah 6:8
Almighty God Thy Lofty Throne             v. 1,4
To Thee I Lift My Soul                                 v.1
                                                                  v. 2
                                                                  v. 3
April       3
Phil. 2:3
O Sing Ye Hallelujah                                  v. 1
                                                                  v. 2
                                                                  v. 4
Closing Program
May     1

1 Pet. 5:6
Closing Program
June 5

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

An Overview of Oral Reading Marks

Oral Reading Evaluation Scheme

When reading orally, I generally listen for the following characteristics to be present when a student reads:

1) Smoothness: reading by good phrasing rather than reading word by word; there should be no pauses unless called for by punctuation or context

2) Alertness to punctuation: stopping at periods, pausing at commas, and raising voice at question marks

3) Volume: reading loudly enough to be heard clearly at the back of the room; holding the book correctly and keeping the head up help the volume to improve

4) Enunciation: saying the words clearly, not mumbling; some will need to slow down in order to accomplish this

5) Speed: reading at a speed that enables the reader to be accurate, smooth, and expressive

6) Accuracy: pronouncing words and reading sentences correctly

7) Poise: having confidence in reading and speaking before others

8) Expression: having good voice inflection to make the story interesting and realistic

Grade Range

A or A- students who read smoothly with proper expression and

need very little help

B+ or B students who have good expression but need to sound out

words occasionally, or who have to reread from time to

time to get good expression

B- or C+ students who need to work on expression, but who know

the words or can sound them out quickly

C or C- students who are having difficulty with words and


D+ or D students who are struggling and must sound out nearly

every word and reread several times before new reading is


Spelling Lists 26-32

List 26

  1. son
  2. won
  3. none
  4. front
  5. month
  6. wonder
  7. other
  8. mother
  9. brother
  10. another
  11. nothing
  12. lion
  13. lemon
  14. melon
  15. banana
  16. animal
  17. thousand
  18. someone
  19. somewhere
  20. father
  21. pouch - a small bag used for carrying
  22. brilliant - very smart, very bright
  23. worship - to love and honour God

List 27

  1. read
  2. head
  3. bread
  4. ready
  5. heavysea
  6. bean
  7. cleaning
  8. team
  9. dream
  10. eat
  11. neat
  12. east
  13. easy
  14. each
  15. peanut
  16. weather
  17. break
  18. great
  19. eight
  20. weight
  21. weigh
  22. neighbour* will accept Can. and Am. way of spelling!
  23. either
  24. been
  25. trio - a group of three
  26. diligent - hard-working
  27. champion - a winner

Spelling List 28- 32

List 28

  1. age
  2. cage
  3. page
  4. stage
  5. huge
  6. gentle
  7. strange
  8. fudge
  9. badge
  10. pledge
  11. bridge
  12. cent
  13. nice
  14. twice
  15. race
  16. space
  17. place
  18. fence
  19. chance
  20. since
  21. circus
  22. circle
  23. pencil
  24. isn't
  25. aren't
  26. shock: a sudden surprise
  27. graze: to feed on grass
  28. clever: smart

List 29

  1. alive
  2. alone
  3. apart
  4. away
  5. awake
  6. across
  7. around
  8. also
  9. almost
  10. always
  11. belong
  12. below
  13. behind
  14. become
  15. enjoy
  16. entire
  17. unless
  18. unload
  19. unlock
  20. unpack
  21. unfold
  22. unbroken
  23. unkind
  24. wasn't
  25. weren't
  26. obedient: doing what is asked
  27. lengthen: to make longer
  28. equal: the same as

List 30

  1. could
  2. would
  3. should
  4. full
  5. pull
  6. put
  7. push
  8. bush
  9. bushes
  10. touch
  11. young
  12. cousin
  13. double
  14. trouble
  15. joyful
  16. useful
  17. helpful
  18. handful
  19. playful
  20. thankful
  21. truthful
  22. wonderful
  23. can't
  24. won't
  25. let's
  26. combine: to mix
  27. companion: a friend
  28. patient: able to wait without complaining

List 31

  1. written
  2. wrap
  3. wrong
  4. wrinkle
  5. wrestle
  6. washing
  7. water
  8. warn
  9. warm
  10. award
  11. reward
  12. doctor
  13. pastor
  14. Creator
  15. color
  16. tore
  17. score
  18. store
  19. shore
  20. before
  21. explore
  22. collar
  23. dollar
  24. wore
  25. worn
  26. business: one's work, a special job
  27. examine: to look at carefully
  28. disturb: to bother

List 32

  1. care
  2. scare
  3. share
  4. square
  5. aware
  6. compare
  7. careful
  8. air
  9. hair
  10. fair
  11. pair
  12. chair
  13. stairs
  14. airplane
  15. fire
  16. tire
  17. wire
  18. admire
  19. parrot
  20. carrot
  21. carry
  22. berry
  23. cherry
  24. hasn't
  25. haven't
  26. commander: a leader
  27. praise: to honor; to worship
  28. acquaintance: someone who is known

Spelling Lists 21-25

List 21
  1. sleepy
  2. frosty
  3. faster
  4. helper
  5. winner
  6. loudest
  7. biggest
  8. softly
  9. slowly
  10. kindly
  11. taken
  12. eaten
  13. frozen
  14. dishes
  15. washes
  16. lunches
  17. classes
  18. houses
  19. every
  20. very
  21. courtesy: kindness; politeness
  22. repent: to turn from
  23. difficult: hard to do
List 22
  1. lamb
  2. climb
  3. thumb
  4. combed
  5. plumber
  6. wild
  7. child
  8. wind
  9. find
  10. remind
  11. told
  12. sold
  13. hold
  14. cold
  15. colder
  16. fold
  17. folder
  18. I'm
  19. I've
  20. I'll
  21. property: something a person owns
  22. distant: far away
  23. desire: to want
List 23
  1. grew
  2. chew
  3. knew
  4. new
  5. mew
  6. haul
  7. cause
  8. pause
  9. sauce
  10. saucer
  11. law
  12. paws
  13. draw
  14. straw
  15. lawn
  16. dawn
  17. crawl
  18. he's
  19. it's
  20. who's
  21. succeed: to do something well
  22. impossible: not able to be done
  23. amazed: surprised
List 24
  1. brownie
  2. cookie
  3. field
  4. piece
  5. niece
  6. believe
  7. key
  8. keys
  9. turkey
  10. monkey
  11. money
  12. honey
  13. valley
  14. chimney
  15. obey
  16. they'll
  17. they've
  18. they're
  19. we're
  20. you're
  21. suffer: to feel pain
  22. strength: power
  23. wealthy: rich
List 25
  1. phrase
  2. graph
  3. telephone
  4. alphabet
  5. elephant
  6. chorus
  7. echo
  8. echoes
  9. rough
  10. tough
  11. bought
  12. brought
  13. fought
  14. thought
  15. taught
  16. caught
  17. daughter
  18. didn't
  19. doesn't
  20. don't
  21. fleet: a group of ships or planes
  22. coast: a land next to the sea
  23. chimes: a set of bells

Lists 16-20

List 16
  1. rang
  2. sang
  3. thing
  4. bring
  5. swinging
  6. strong
  7. along
  8. swung
  9. stung
  10. thank
  11. blank
  12. blanket
  13. sink
  14. twinkle
  15. honk
  16. dunk
  17. trunk
  18. they
  19. their
  20. there
  21. avoid: to stay away from
  22. dwell: to live in a place
  23. honest: truthful
List 17
  1. Bible
  2. table
  3. tiny
  4. lady
  5. cozy
  6. happy
  7. daddy
  8. puppy
  9. penny
  10. pretty
  11. bubble
  12. middle
  13. puddle
  14. puzzle
  15. giggle
  16. freckle
  17. people
  18. busy
  19. laugh
  20. together
  21. eager: wanting very much to do or get something
  22. command: an order
  23. destroy: to ruin
List 18
  1. added
  2. ended
  3. rested
  4. trusted
  5. counted
  6. called
  7. spilled
  8. mailed
  9. rained
  10. cleaned
  11. talked
  12. helped
  13. dressed
  14. wished
  15. marked
  16. asked
  17. once
  18. only
  19. both
  20. again
  21. couple: two things
  22. created: brought into life
  23. faith: belief; trust
List 19
  1. why
  2. when
  3. which
  4. whistle
  5. whisper
  6. whole
  7. check
  8. choose
  9. lunch
  10. crunch
  11. much
  12. such
  13. catch
  14. match
  15. stitch
  16. scratch
  17. stretch
  18. hopscotch
  19. who
  20. whose
  21. company: guests
  22. knowledge: learning; understanding
  23. victory: the winning of a contest or battle; success
List 20
  1. earn
  2. learn
  3. pearl
  4. search
  5. early
  6. bear
  7. pear
  8. wear
  9. wearing
  10. tear
  11. dear
  12. fear
  13. hear
  14. near
  15. clear
  16. year
  17. yearly
  18. earmuffs
  19. where
  20. were
  21. citizen: a person who belongs to a country
  22. confess: to admit you have done wrong
  23. courage: bravery

Lists 11-15

Spelling List 11
  1. cook
  2. look
  3. took
  4. brook
  5. shook
  6. foot
  7. wood
  8. good
  9. stood
  10. bookmark
  11. too
  12. soon
  13. food
  14. pool
  15. school
  16. toothbrush
  17. loose
  18. lose
  19. move
  20. flood
Spelling List 12
  1. high
  2. sigh
  3. sight
  4. light
  5. might
  6. tight
  7. right
  8. bright
  9. fright
  10. flight
  11. bite
  12. kite
  13. white
  14. write
  15. invite
  16. polite
  17. buy
  18. any
  19. many
  20. most
Spelling List 13
  1. knock
  2. knee
  3. kneel
  4. know
  5. knew
  6. boy
  7. toys
  8. join
  9. point
  10. noise
  11. tall
  12. fall
  13. small
  14. hallway
  15. baseball
  16. talk
  17. chalk
  18. sidewalk
  19. give
  20. live

Spelling List 14
  1. Jesus
  2. Christ
  3. Christmas
  4. Bethlehem
  5. shepherds
  6. Joseph
  7. Mary
  8. star
  9. angels
  10. joy
  11. manger
  12. stable
  13. donkey
  14. singing
  15. lights
  16. snowflakes
  17. stockings
  18. ornaments
  19. presents
  20. December
Spelling List 15
  1. lake
  2. path
  3. shape
  4. frost
  5. sled
  6. slide
  7. scrape
  8. three
  9. play
  10. too
  11. scoop
  12. skate
  13. popcorn
  14. ground
  15. snowman
  16. yard
  17. write
  18. are
  19. said
  20. come

Spelling Lists 6-10

Spelling List 5
  1. stand
  2. still
  3. fast
  4. cost
  5. best
  6. twist
  7. smell
  8. smile
  9. snap
  10. snail
  11. snuggle
  12. slant
  13. sled
  14. slip
  15. slide
  16. swam
  17. sweep
  18. sweet
  19. you
  20. what

Spelling List 6

1. splash
2. split
3. spray
4. spring
5. sprinkle
6. scrap
7. scrape
8. scrub
9. strip
10. stripe
11. strike
12. street
13. squeak
14. squeal
15. squish
16. thrill
17. three
18. throw
19. here
20. there

Spelling List 7
  1. may
  2. way
  3. say
  4. stay
  5. play
  6. scale
  7. scan
  8. scuff
  9. scoop
  10. scout
  11. skate
  12. sky
  13. skid
  14. skip
  15. ask
  16. dusk
  17. brisk
  18. says
  19. said
  20. today
Spelling list 8
  1. far
  2. card
  3. yard
  4. dark
  5. mark
  6. art
  7. start
  8. smart
  9. chart
  10. march
  11. for
  12. Lord
  13. north
  14. porch
  15. sport
  16. popcorn
  17. shortstop
  18. do
  19. does
  20. done
Spelling List 9
  1. our
  2. south
  3. count
  4. ground
  5. found
  6. how
  7. down
  8. frown
  9. clown
  10. brown
  11. slow
  12. blow
  13. grow
  14. pillow
  15. rainbow
  16. snowman
  17. soup
  18. group
  19. four
  20. your
Spelling List 10
  1. her
  2. serve
  3. verse
  4. hurt
  5. turn
  6. curl
  7. stir
  8. girl
  9. first
  10. third
  11. shirt
  12. skirt
  13. word
  14. work
  15. world
  16. birthday
  17. some
  18. come
  19. love
  20. have

Spelling Lists 1-5

List 1
1. back
2. bake
3. lick
4. like
5. bike
6. lack
7. lake
8. duck
9. pack
10. stick
11. camp
12. tents
13. bugs
14. a
15. the
List 2
1. be
2. we
3. go
4. so
5. try
6. shy
7. she
8. shape
9. wish
10. fresh
11. that
12. then
13. thin
14. path
15. with
16. cloth
17. clothes
18. one
19. two
20. to
List 3
1. bless
2. blast
3. blond
4. clock
5. clap
6. class
7. club
8. flag
9. flat
10. float
11. fly
12. glad
13. glass
14. globe
15. plus
16. plate
17. please
18. are
19. was
20. were
List 4
1. fry
2. frost
3. free
4. tree
5. treat
6. trust
7. brush
8. brave
9. cross
10. creek
11. dry
12. drop
13. dress
14. press
15. print
16. prize
17. grass
18. grape
19. from
20. of
List 5
1. stand
2. still
3. fast
4. cost
5. best
6. twist
7. smell
8. smile
9. snap
10. snail
11. snuggle
12. slant
13. sled
14. slip
15. slide
16. swam
17. sweep
18. sweet
19. you
20. what